Garage In The Hollywood Hills

It’s unlikely that you’re building your home from scratch, but as you consider its design, you might want to think about the most underutilized aspect of the home: the garage. Maybe you don’t spend much time in your garage, but it is likely your go-to storage solution, even if it is a sliding pile of clutter.

If you want to create the perfect garage in the Hollywood Hills, then you want to find a balance between style and functionality for the space. And if you still want to have a place to park your vehicle, then you need to take access into mind as well.

Let’s talk about the important questions to ask yourself before moving forward.

  • Do I know how I want to design the space? Unless you are planning for something wild, the design of your garage should in many ways be similar to the design of your home. While it is unlikely you can create the exact look, you can attempt to color match for any new paint you apply and utilize the same furnishing materials in your garage cabinets.
  • Do I have a plan for organization? There is a critical thing to consider before going all in on organization: Are you going to park your car in your garage post-renovation? If you plan on continuing to use the garage as a parking area, then you’ll want to consider organization around the space where your vehicle will be parked. However, if you want to turn your garage remodel into a completely new space without parking, then your choices expand exponentially.
  • Do I need better lighting? It’s likely that the lighting in your garage is sub-par. After all, it was built to park a vehicle and serve as overflow storage. However, having the right illumination for the space is important in order to accomplish the garage remodel you’re setting out to complete. This is doubly true if you decide to turn your garage into a workspace.

Once you have a clear sense of your plans, it’s time to think about things like garage cabinets or a garage storage system. In order to utilize the space to its fullest potential, you need to declutter and organize the space.

Starting a Garage Remodel in the Hollywood Hills

Even if you don’t plan on putting your home on the market, a gorgeously designed garage can add value and increase the curb appeal of your house. The garage can be used as a spare bedroom, a workshop, or just an elegant, functional storage area. Regardless of what you choose to do with it, you need to have a plan of attack for your garage remodel.

The chaos in your garage requires action.

So, let’s talk about how you’re going to conquer your garage remodel in the Hollywood Hills.

  1. Separate and determine. This is similar to the Marie Kondo method of determining what brings you joy. You want to determine what among the clutter is worth keeping and what you can part with. We would suggest thinking about dividing these piles into a minimum of 3 categories: keep, donate, or trash. It’s likely that a lot of sentimentality will be attached to these items, so when in doubt, consult a neutral third party. Once you’ve made the decisions, then act quickly and decisively. Donate or give away the items immediately and recycle (or trash) that which you’ve decided to part.
  2. Detoxify. No, we aren’t talking about new-age herbology. There are likely some items among the clutter that you can’t simply toss in the trash. Old batteries or chemical products need to be disposed of responsibly. If you don’t know what to do with them, there are companies in your area that can help you dispose of these items.
  3. Organization is afoot. Now that you know what you want to keep and you’ve shed toxic materials lurking in the space, it’s time to organize. If you correctly completed step one, then you have piles of items you plan on keeping. You’ll want to select the right kind of organizational containers for these items. Custom garage cabinets, wall shelving, and hooks are a great place to start, and you can choose from among a variety of materials so you can match the aesthetic of your home. A garage storage system incorporates all of these items and lets you move these piles into categories or zones for ease of use and location. Whatever you decide on, make sure you have a plan before purchasing the materials and doing it yourself (or hiring someone like us to complete it for you professionally).
  4. Maintenance. This is often the overlooked aspect of a garage remodel. The habit that turned your garage into a cluttered mess is hard to break. It would be nice to think that a garage remodel is a set-it-and-forget-it situation, but that is simply not the case. It will be important to develop new habits that keep things as orderly as they are immediately post-renovation. If you decide on garage cabinets, then make sure things go back where they belong. If you opted for epoxy flooring (a favorite here at Garage Excell), then you will want to make sure to sweep the floor and keep it clear. Don’t let this space be something you forget about once again.

A garage remodel will make your life simpler. You won’t have to go on an expedition to find that item you stored away years ago. There will be a rhyme and a reason for where it is now located. You’ve reclaimed the space, and you need to be active about keeping it that way.

If you want to get started today, but don’t feel like forging the path alone, we here at Garage Excell want to help. Whether you want custom garage cabinets, epoxy flooring, or help with your garage remodel in general, we have the tools to assist you.

Contact us today!

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