Garage storage is home to many things – power tools, holiday decorations, sporting equipment, bikes, the lawnmower, and unfortunately, pests. These tiny, annoying critters tend to make their way into dark, damp, and easily accessible garages like their lives depend on it.
Well, to be fair, their lives do depend on the safe haven that your garage in Pacific Palisades offers. But no matter how big of an animal lover you are, you don’t want pests co-existing right in your garage cabinets where you probably store thousands of dollars’ worth of stuff.
3 Reasons Why Pests Love Your Garage?
When you’re trying to keep pests out, it’s important to understand why they want to invade your garage in the first place. There are several reasons:
#Smells: If you keep food in your garage storage cabinets – food that’s not stashed in airtight containers – the resulting smells can attract critters, rats, and even raccoons. Stuff like birdseed, grains, and plants are also enticing to bugs.
#Sustainability: Pests flourish in a dark and damp garage environment which is pests’ natural habitat. If your Brentwood garage storage system is a warm, dark, and moist place, it can sustain unwanted critters for a long time.
#Accessibility: Another reason why bugs prefer your garage storage system over the other parts of your home is that it provides them all the access their tiny, buggy hearts can desire! People, as well as vehicles, are regularly moving in and out of your garage. The frequent opening of the garage door allows pests to get in easily.
Plus, generally speaking, the garage is not cleaned as often as other parts of the house. This makes it easy for bugs to hide and survive in the nooks and crannies along with the clutter.
6 Most Common Bugs and Pests in A Brentwood Garage
Here are some of the most common bugs that can be found in garages:
#Silverfish: You may have seen silverfish in your kitchen or attic, but they are also fond of garages. They enter the garage by being brought through infested objects or by sneaking under the doors. Once they enter your garage, they feed on clothing, books, cardboard boxes, and food items. Their numbers can multiply quickly because female silverfish can lay up to 3 eggs in a day.
#Mice: Mice like to build nests in garage wall voids and garage cabinets for storage to seek shelter during the winter season. They can also sneak into your car for extra coziness and warmth.
#Crickets: Crickets love hot and dry days, during which they demonstrate their cool jumping abilities to dive directly into garages. However, the aftermath is anything but cool. Once they get in, crickets can damage clothing and fabrics stored inside your garage wall cabinets, regardless of how high you’ve kept them.
#Flies: Flies are typically attracted to structures by odors and air currents. They can easily enter when your garage door is open and rest on surfaces like windowsills, floors, and walls.
#Spiders: Since garages are usually full of smaller insects, they are a favorite hangout/free-for-all buffet for spiders.
#Ground Beetles: If your garage door doesn’t have a proper seal, or you keep your garage windows open during the night, ground beetles can get in. They are nocturnal species so they are only awake and active after dark.
To eradicate pests, you first need to address the factors that are attracting them. The best place to start is by eliminating any existing bugs and critters first. We recommend contacting a professional to handle pest infestation in your garage effectively. Start by checking for signs of infestation in your Brentwood garage. Look for things like fur, insect shells, scratch marks, droppings, nests, and chewed-up items.
Then identify which kind of insect you’re dealing with. Contact a local professional pest removal company that specializes in eradicating those pests. Our custom garage cabinet design team at Garage Excell can put you in touch with a reliable professional for pest control if you want.
Follow These 5 Tips: How To Get Rid Of Bugs In The garage
Once you’ve bid adieu to your unwanted roommates, it’s time to take some proactive action and make sure they don’t come back.
#Secure Your Garage: If there are any openings, holes, or cracks around the perimeter of your garage, they need to be secured.
#Check the Foundation For Damage: If the foundation of your Beverly Glen garage storage system has any cracks, bugs are going to get in that way sooner or later. The same goes for your garage’s door, walls, and windows.
This means applying a new coat of sealant and weatherstripping to fix the cracks and holes. Don’t forget to check the garage’s ceiling as well.
#Declutter and Clean: Pests and mice love a messy garage. If your Beverly Glen custom garage cabinets are full of boxes of junk and the floor is littered with clutter, it will make a nice home for animals to hide and build nests. With that said, take some time out of your busy schedule and clean out your cluttered garage. Get rid of the items that are not serving you and organize the rest neatly inside a good-quality garage storage system.
If you’ve accumulated a lot of stuff over the years and don’t even know where to start, you can work with a garage organization company like Garage Excell to do it for you. Our experts have helped hundreds of homeowners in Pacific Palisades and the surrounding LA area sort through their garage mess and transform it into a tidier and organized space.
#Proper Storage: If you have open containers of food, drinks, animal feed, and other items lying in your garage, pests are obviously going to be attracted to it! Consider investing in quality garage wall cabinets to keep everything in your garage safely tucked away in a designated spot.
The trash in your garage should also be sealed tightly and well-contained to prevent rodents from munching on them.
#Regular Cleanups: Once you have organized your garage with proper Beverly Glen garage cabinet systems and made sure it is pest-free, do regular inspections and cleanups from time to time.
If this sounds like too much work, consider this: after you have installed a garage storage system and your garage floor is free of any boxes or clutter, cleaning it will become super easy! Then you’ll only need to clean out the garage cabinets once or twice a year to ensure they are in good shape and there are no infestations.
Need Help Cleaning Out Your Garage in Beverly Glen? Contact Us!
The tips mentioned above will help you keep your garage free from pests and bugs. As you can imagine, the first step in preventing these unexpected visitors from raiding your garage is to clean and organize the space. Because no matter how many times you call the pest control company, if your garage is full of dusty, outdated junk, it will keep inviting bugs and rodents.
Garage Excell specializes in making garage organization extremely easy and efficient. Our experienced cabinetry makers and garage organization pros can turn your garage into a harmonious wonderland you’ll actually enjoy spending time in. To schedule a no-obligation garage improvement or garage remodeling consultation, give us a call at 877-573-6637 or send us a message here.